Have you been LUCKY in LOVE?
Lucky in Love?
With each romance, we find ourselves in a new world of love and memories. Are these just by chance? Is it luck?
Welcome to your second annual Lucky in Love Blog Hop where we want to hear about your love, your romance, and how much you love St. Patrick's Day!!! Are you wearing green?
I'll definitely be wearing green this weekend--probably today AND Sunday. Tomorrow, too, if I can find something. I'm just THAT kind of person. Sunday's festivities will consist of a very green brunch with friends, and I'm very much looking forward too some green champagne, and maybe even a black and tan!
As far as luck in love goes, I think that a person can be lucky in love at the beginning. But there's no such thing as staying together because of luck. It may have been pure chance/luck/fate/whatever-you-want-to-call-it when I met my husband almost eleven years ago.
He'd just moved back to California from Phoenix, where he'd ditched a pretty unhealthy relationship, and then his dad died (within a week or two of that move). So, I know the last thing on his mind was dating.
I'd just moved back to California after a long summer in Lake Havasu, AZ, where I'd been lied to by more than one guy I cared about. I moved home with my head screwed on tighter than ever, knowing that the very last thing I needed was another jerk in my life.
So who would have known we'd meet one afternoon, and become inseperable that very night?
But we did, and I guess you could say that was luck. (I tend to think that was GOD, but to each his own.)
Since then, however, our relationship has been held together with hard work, love, respect, and determination and faith in each other, as well as our marriage . . . and we're still going strong!
Now, what do you think about luck in love? Have you experienced it for yourself? Do you believe it takes luck to find love? What about luck to keep love?Comment below, and be sure to leave your email address!!
300 bloggers have giveaways and posts about those men we love!
I'm giving away TWO (2) e-book copies of EVER, my debut young adult paranormal romance! Two lucky winners, just on this blog alone!
But that's not all....
We have TWO grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!
Now what are those prizes?
1st Grand Prize: A $100 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
2nd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!