Sunday, October 7, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday 10/7/12 #SixSunday #WIP #POSSESS

For this Six Sentence Sunday installment, I've decided on another little sneak peek from the one of my [many] WIP's. 

POSSESS is a  suspenseful New Adult mystery that takes place in my most favorite place on earth: New Orleans, Louisiana. 

The usual debris littered the streets of the quarter. It doesn’t have to be Mardi Gras to attract beads, streamers and Hurricane geaux cups to the overflowing gutters. The French Quarter was upbeat and lively, as always, even as early as it was.  

In New Orleans, people don’t bother saying “its 5 o’clock somewhere,” they just get started when they see fit. The street-stink smell mixed with the Holy Trinity of New Orleans cooking – green peppers, onions and celery – and made for a distinct combination that was greatly familiar to her.

It would have been perfect and welcoming, any other time.  

1 comment:

  1. Vivid descriptions. I've never been, but I could picture it!
