Monday, November 9, 2015

We Need YOU: Auction to Support Summer Heacock AKA @FizzyGrrl! #FriendsOfFizzy

We are currently seeking AUCTION items for a beloved member of our writing community, Summer Heacock. 

If you are unaware of what Summer's family is currently facing, please visit her blog and read her most recent--and very raw, very honest--post HERE



Point blank, Summer and Drew need our help. 
In addition to the GoFundMe account a friend of Summer's created for the Heacock family (for those of you who wish to make a monetary donation), Tamara Mataya and I are compiling a list of donations for an online auction to raise money for Summer and Company. 

ALL proceeds of this online auction will go directly to Summer and Drew Heacock and their children. ALL money raised will be raised with the intention to help the Heacocks with medical expenses, household expenses, loss of income, and upcoming birthdays and holidays so that their children do not miss out on anything this Holiday season. 

But we need YOUR help! 

If you and/or anyone you know (fellow writers, agents, editors, artists, musicians, non-writing folk, reviewers, small businesses, etc.) could donate items, critiques/editing services, artwork, books, swag, mentoring phone calls or Skype chats, blog tours, signed book stuff/ARCS, various  goods/services, etc, please, please, please consider donating. 

If you are interested in donating, PLEASE comment on this post with your email address, or email Jessa directly at emailjessarusso AT gmail DOT com if you can help.  You may also reach out to Tamara at tamaramataya AT gmail DOT com.

We are always available on Twitter as well. 

Summer has always been a source of epic light in our writing world, but she needs us to shine for her now. 

Let's do this. 

*Auction dates and further details to come.